Mobile Optimization

Mobile pages that are 1 second faster experience up to 27% increase in conversion rate.

Optimized mobile websites reduce bounce rates and keep users and customers loyal, away from competitors. All the time more users are opting for mobile when performing everyday online searches, so it is increasingly important to create a positive user experience for your mobile site.

This year more time will be spent on web using mobile devices than desktop, mobile can no longer be considered inferior in any business.

  • 90% of users use multiple devices to achieve a goal, make every experience fast and flawless.
  • 85% of mobile users expect pages to load as fast as or faster than on desktop.
  • Over 60% of digital media use occurs on mobile devices.
  • Conversion rates on mobile devices still under 1%.

Performance varies hugely among smartphones median load times ranging from 3.1 seconds to 11.4 seconds, depending on the device. Discouraged website visitors are quick to jump ship, mobile visitors even more likely to do so. We will make sure your site performs at its best on all mobile devices.

Ready to supercharge your mobile conversion rate, SEO and user satisfaction?

Lets talk

Performance Audit

  • Deep dive analysis of your site
  • Performance improvement recommendations
  • Walk through of issues identified
  • Follow up meeting with your team
1,200 EUR
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